Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Nihh semoga bisa di coba dulu sedikit buat sobat yang ingin memperdalam kemampuan dalam berbahasa Inggris. mungkin sedikit soal dibawah ini bisa paling tidak membantu

1. Chila went to Bandung last week.
… Is a capital of West Java

A. She
B. It
C. They
D. Her

2. I love sate… Taste is very delicious

A. It
B. Mine
C. Its
D. My

3. Purwo has a new car. The silver car over there is…

A. He
B. His
C. Him
D. He’s

4. I came to her house but…was at home. Where was she?

A. Nothing
B. Someone
C. Anybody
D. Nobody

5. …Likes her. So, she has many fans

A. Nobody
B. Everybody
C. Nothing
D. Everything

6. Romy and Juli are very happy…happiness is real

A. Hers
B. Their
C. His
D. Your

7. I’m going to supermarket. …is going there too

A. My brothers
B. My sisters
C. My friend
D. My parents

8. Je left without saying anything.
So …knows where he is now.

A. someone
B. everyone
C. anybody
D. no one

9. There are two sides in this stick. If we look at it, …them are sharp. So, you must be careful

A. Both of
B. Some of
C. Most of
D. A little of

10. I lost my dog. It must be…now. Lets find it!

A. Something
B. Somewhere
C. Somebody
D. Something

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